Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Hello people of the free world... or the not free world... or you live in your parents house and you have some freedom and some rules world,

         Soooooooo... the zombie apocalypse has started. How are you gonna survive, those of you who are not zombies yet, you need a team, a game plan, a car that no matter how many zombies attack it, it will always survive. (you walking dead fans know what I'm talking about) So I have compiled a list of people who would be good on a zombie apocalypse team, places to go, and BTW: you should get a Hyundai. (That is the car from walking dead.)

1. Edward and Alphonse Elric
2. Sam and Dean Winchester+ Cas
3. The flock (Maximum Ride)
4. L (deathnote)
5. Light, (deathnote) only if the deathnote works on zombies
6. Daryl (walking dead)
7. left for dead 2 people


1. Make your first stop at a home depot pick up as many tools as possible here is a small list to help
          3.One of those lawn mower things that you can sit on. You can just run as many of them as                    possible, PROBLEM SOLVED
          4. A LOT of fuel (gas)
          5. A nail gun, Shoot Em' Zombies In their Head
          6. nails and wood
2.find a Costco they have enough stuff to last forever plus zombies cant get through without a member ship card.
3. If you don't have a Costco by you find a Twinkie factory, those thinks last forever.

                                                                                                    I am a zombie now the dream team                                                                                                           didn't work. You know what just                                                                                                               scratch everything I just said.


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