Are you soooooooooooooooooooooo bored? Of your blog, yes. What? No, who let you ruin this post? Your Mom. Get out Now. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. FINE!!! *Footsteps out of room* *door slams* Finally... I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!!!
1. Read a book not the most ideal, but if you like books then what ever floats your goat
2. Watch YouTube for 7 hours and think about what you have do with your life
3.Watch Netflix for 7 hours and think about what you will do with your life once you finish your show.
4. Find as many ways to kill a sim as possible
example) put them in a pool then put a fence around the pool
5.spend 20 minutes on Pinterest. (20 minutes Pinterest time= about the rest of the day)
6. Spin around in circles until you pass out, Wake up and realize that a few hours has passed by and you can go to bed. golf and realize that you were not as bored as you thought you could be.
I will be passed out for the next few hours or on Pinterest,
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