Monday, September 14, 2015

Why Pringles are the best chip...EVER

Why Pringles are the best chip ever... Yes I know that Pringles are technically a potato "crisp"
But who freaking cares they taste better all the same. I mean the are a beautiful creation, and here is why.

1. They are perfectly shaped. They almost are the same shape of your tongue. Which makes it fun to eat them. You can also make a duck face with them what other chip can do dat.

Image result for cheese pringles2. You might argue that Doritos are the best chip ever, but have you ever seen one perfectly covered in dust. No you haven't so shut up. I think the real question is have you ever seen a cheese Pringle not perfectly covered in dust

I miss you Pringles
3. Once you pop the top you can't stop.

4. I think the only problem to the Pringle is the size of its can. But it might be helping you not eat them all.


Fun Facts

the inventor of the Pringles can wanted, when he died, to be cremated and buried in a Pringles can. 

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