Monday, September 14, 2015

Why Pringles are the best chip...EVER

Why Pringles are the best chip ever... Yes I know that Pringles are technically a potato "crisp"
But who freaking cares they taste better all the same. I mean the are a beautiful creation, and here is why.

1. They are perfectly shaped. They almost are the same shape of your tongue. Which makes it fun to eat them. You can also make a duck face with them what other chip can do dat.

Image result for cheese pringles2. You might argue that Doritos are the best chip ever, but have you ever seen one perfectly covered in dust. No you haven't so shut up. I think the real question is have you ever seen a cheese Pringle not perfectly covered in dust

I miss you Pringles
3. Once you pop the top you can't stop.

4. I think the only problem to the Pringle is the size of its can. But it might be helping you not eat them all.


Fun Facts

the inventor of the Pringles can wanted, when he died, to be cremated and buried in a Pringles can. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Top 10 things to do when you are bored :P

Are you soooooooooooooooooooooo bored? Of  your blog, yes. What? No, who let you ruin this post? Your Mom. Get out Now. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. FINE!!! *Footsteps out of room* *door slams* Finally... I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!!!

1. Read a book not the most ideal, but if you like books then what ever floats your goat

Float your goat!
2. Watch YouTube for 7 hours and think about what you have do with your life

3.Watch Netflix for 7 hours and think about what you will do with your life once you finish your show.

4. Find as many ways to kill a sim as possible
  example) put them in a pool then put a fence around the pool

5.spend 20 minutes on Pinterest. (20 minutes Pinterest time= about the rest of the day)

6. Spin around in circles until you pass out, Wake up and realize that a few hours has passed by and you can go to bed. golf and realize that you were not as bored as you thought you could be.

                                                                                                              I will be passed out for the                                                                                                                             next few hours or on Pinterest,


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Hello people of the free world... or the not free world... or you live in your parents house and you have some freedom and some rules world,

         Soooooooo... the zombie apocalypse has started. How are you gonna survive, those of you who are not zombies yet, you need a team, a game plan, a car that no matter how many zombies attack it, it will always survive. (you walking dead fans know what I'm talking about) So I have compiled a list of people who would be good on a zombie apocalypse team, places to go, and BTW: you should get a Hyundai. (That is the car from walking dead.)

1. Edward and Alphonse Elric
2. Sam and Dean Winchester+ Cas
3. The flock (Maximum Ride)
4. L (deathnote)
5. Light, (deathnote) only if the deathnote works on zombies
6. Daryl (walking dead)
7. left for dead 2 people


1. Make your first stop at a home depot pick up as many tools as possible here is a small list to help
          3.One of those lawn mower things that you can sit on. You can just run as many of them as                    possible, PROBLEM SOLVED
          4. A LOT of fuel (gas)
          5. A nail gun, Shoot Em' Zombies In their Head
          6. nails and wood
2.find a Costco they have enough stuff to last forever plus zombies cant get through without a member ship card.
3. If you don't have a Costco by you find a Twinkie factory, those thinks last forever.

                                                                                                    I am a zombie now the dream team                                                                                                           didn't work. You know what just                                                                                                               scratch everything I just said.
